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AltoVita's Spotlight Series: 5 Minutes with Shradha Mithal

Shradha Mithal is a Director of Client Partnerships for AltoVita based in India, where she primarily focuses on onboarding new clients. 

Based in New Delhi, her role is varied to meet the demands of a highly dynamic and multifaceted talent mobility sector in India, which is driven by globalisation, skill development initiatives, and changing work preferences.

Shradha is gearing up to host a new series of in-person events called AltoTalks, with the first edition taking place in Bengaluru, India, on February 16, 2024.

Can you describe the current mobility/business travel landscape in India — and what makes it unique from other countries? 

The global demand for skilled labour is in fields such as IT, engineering, healthcare, and finance and often filled by skilled Indians. The Indian government and various organisations have been focusing on skill development programmes such as Skill India to enhance the employability of the workforce. Many Indian companies are expanding their operations globally, leading to cross-border movements of talent within multinational corporations. Similarly, foreign companies are establishing their presence in India, attracting local talent.

The challenges are India’s diverse geographical landscape — spanning various climates, cultures, languages, and business practices across its states. While all the major cities have good modern infrastructure and amenities, travel within the country can still present challenges. Airports, and public transport, vary significantly across regions, affecting the ease of business travel.

"Many Indian companies are expanding their operations globally, leading to cross-border movements of talent within multinational corporations."

India offers a unique blend of cultural richness, technological advancements, and diverse business sectors that attracts businesses and investment. 

What do you enjoy most about your role, and what do you find most challenging?

One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is engaging with corporate mobility teams to explore the future of talent mobility. It's fascinating to see the true extent of globalisation and unveils emerging trends. Delving into discussions about which industries are on the brink of expansion, witnessing the evolving landscape of sustainability and ESG, all propelled by corporate initiatives, is truly enlightening. It's an opportunity to witness firsthand how businesses are adapting to the modern world and steering the course of change and where talent is moving. (Below: Shradha discussed sustainability at the recent AltoVita Smart, Safe, Sustainable Summit in Singapore)  


What are your predictions for the next 12 months in India?

India's potential for growth in 2024 depends on several factors, including economic policies, global economic conditions, domestic reforms, and geopolitical dynamics. 

India has seen rapid advancements in technology adoption. This trend has facilitated virtual meetings and remote collaborations, reducing the need for some business trips while making connectivity crucial for those that do occur. The rise of hybrid work models could continue to reshape talent mobility. Technology will likely play a more significant role in talent mobility. 

Certain industries like technology, healthcare, renewable energy, and digital marketing might see increased demand for talent. Professionals with skills aligned with these sectors could experience higher mobility opportunities. Continued emphasis on upskilling and reskilling programs by the government could enhance the employability of Indian talent, influencing their mobility prospects both domestically and internationally.

India boasts a large, youthful population, which, if harnessed effectively through education and skill development, could contribute significantly to economic growth and innovation.

AltoTalks is a new series. Why was Bengaluru selected to host the inaugural event?

Bengaluru, often referred to as the Silicon Valley of India, is undeniably India’s IT hub. It hosts multinational IT companies as well as startups. The presence of these tech giants has led to significant job opportunities and economic growth.

The city's international airport and its connectivity to major global destinations have facilitated business interactions and foreign investments, contributing to its growth.

"India boasts a large, youthful population, which, if harnessed effectively through education and skill development, could contribute significantly to economic growth and innovation."

While IT is a significant driver, Bengaluru has also diversified into sectors like biotechnology, aerospace, and manufacturing. This diversification has contributed to its economic resilience. Pro-business policies and incentives have encouraged companies to establish and expand their operations in the city.

Keeping all this in mind, we found Bengaluru the ideal destination to launch AltoTalks India. 

And what are you looking forward to most during this event on February 16?

Meeting the global mobility and business travel community in Bengaluru and showcasing AltoVita to them! 

You’re involved with the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) in New Delhi. Tell us a little about that.

The Indo French Chambers in India is one of the most active chambers globally and it provides a wonderful opportunity and platform for businesses in India and France to collaborate. India and France share a strong and multifaceted relationship based on mutual interests, shared values, and cooperation across various sectors. Economic ties between India and France have been growing steadily. There are investments and trade collaborations in sectors like renewable energy, aerospace, infrastructure, and technology. The chamber provides us access to these companies and promotes their operations in India. 

What do you enjoy most about living in New Delhi?

Delhi is a vibrant city with a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity. It also has a thriving arts and entertainment scene with museums, art galleries, theatres, and cultural events happening regularly.

It has a strong history, remains of which you see dotted all over the city. There are many heritage sites and monuments to visit and some architectural marvels. The city seamlessly blends ancient heritage with modern developments. While Old Delhi preserves the charm of Mughal-era architecture and narrow streets, New Delhi boasts wide boulevards, government buildings, and modern infrastructure. Plus, it is home, where the family is and I love it!

If you had to move, which country would you most like to relocate to?

I’d move to a quaint little vineyard in Italy. And travel the region extensively and leisurely.

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