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Relocating in the ‘New Normal’

The global COVID-19 pandemic has altered almost every angle of our working and our social lives over the last few months. We can no longer take things for granted, especially global mobility.

Businesses around the world, now need to adopt a new, fresh approach across their strategy in order to thrive under these uncertain times and find a way for them and their employees to live in the new normal.

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Vivi Cahyadi Himmel joined the FEM APAC online summit, on Thursday 10th September to discuss where we are now and what we can do differently moving forwards in order to gain from lessons learned prior to the lockdown.


Takeaway #1: How to travel with confidence during COVID-19…

During the panel, the team discussed how working from home has certainly never been more important and how companies now need their employees to be based in the right time zone whilst having business-ready services available 24/7 in order to truly function efficiently and effectively.

That’s why at AltoVita, we recently launched our travel with confidence program which helps ensure a seamless and safe travel journey from planning, booking to arrival date, and delivering an enhanced guest experience. In collaboration with global mobility specialists and a verified network of professional property managers, the Travel with Confidence Program is guided by the duty of care and health & safety standards.

Since lockdown, this program has indeed now gone beyond just a temporary protocol and is now adopted across our technology-driven and human-centric approach in order to help both companies and employees during these uncertain times.

For example, we now look into enhanced in-house guest experiences across all our properties, supplier health and safety training for all staff, seamless mobility journey and in-destination service, and above all, a reliable communication mechanism to ensure clear advice is provided at all times.

Even though this technology has been adopted before lockdown, global companies can still embrace such strategies in order to better follow the track and trace system.


Takeaway #3: What have we learned from our quarantine mistakes?

During the panel, Vivi also talked about positive quarantine takeaways and the lessons we all learned during the 2020 lockdown.

Specifically, she noted how the adoption of technology is now at an unprecedented rate, not only for the millennials but also for baby boomers. This forecasts a global effort that drives transparency, cost containment, and demonstration of accountability across all major companies.

Vivi also recognized that as we prepare for travel recovery & global remobilization around the world, businesses could discover a more co-ordinated response from both the global and travel industry as well as the government.

In fact, from both a financial and logistical perspective, funding for innovation has never been more important and Australia’s success certainly shows as a strong example of this.


Takeaway #2: Recovering from the pandemic…

Moving forwards, it could also mean a more analytical transformation for major global companies, which would enable multipliers from marketing budgets and destination promotions to improve.

For example, London & Partners have done really well by promoting the city as a leading destination in which to visit, study, invest, grow, and meet.

Fundamentally, Vivi concluded how the government now has a rare opportunity to reimagine their role in terms of providing data within their structure as well as developing new capabilities in order to investigate more models that would work well for all of us, so we can start recovering from the pandemic together.

You can catch up on the full panel, which is now available to view on demand:



AltoVita’s Travel With Confidence Program | The state of technology in the global mobility and corporate travel industry | AltoVita’s guide to help travelers through the Coronavirus

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