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AltoVita’s Spotlight Series: 5 Minutes with Tara Scrivener

For this week’s Spotlight Series, we caught up with Global Account Manager Tara Scrivener to find out how she supports AltoVita’s clients by overseeing accommodation requests and developing business relations.

Based in London, Tara joined Team AltoVita in July 2020 as our EMEA Reservations Manager, bringing a strong background working with hotels and agencies to succeed client expectations and meet business targets. 

Continue reading to find out what trends she has seen recently in demand within global mobility, her creative outlet, and more. 

We hear you are multilingual! What inspired you to learn Norwegian, English, and Portuguese, and have you put your language skills to use while working with AltoVita clients?

Tara Says: Portuguese I learnt many years ago with an ex from Brazil, to communicate with his family on visits, and later with other friends too, from Portugal and also Spain. I’ve always been fascinated by the Nordics and have spent time living in Norway, so that was a bit more out of necessity. Although they have their own languages, it’s fairly easy to understand – and be understood by – Danes and Swedes. 

Yes, I really enjoy being able to speak with our Oslo partners in Norwegian, especially knowing the specific locations of the properties we’re talking about and what the neighbourhoods are like.  There’s an expectation that everyone has to speak English, especially in global and service industries, so it’s great to be able to communicate with people in their own language. It seems like a small thing but it can help people to feel more comfortable, [hopefully] avoid things getting lost in translation, and strengthen that relationship. English is my native language and after learning other languages, I’m so grateful for this, because there are so many grammar and syntax rules! 

What advice would you give someone working with clients all over the world? 

Tara Says: Having a global mindset yourself will really help. Be conscious of time zone differences, and be as accommodating as you can with that. Understanding the differences in cultures, standards, and expectations also plays a big part in delivering success. Finally, sharing your knowledge and insights!

What do you enjoy the most about working with AltoVita’s portfolio of vetted suppliers and professional property managers?

Tara Says: How dedicated and helpful they are! It’s great to know that there’s a global network of suppliers and partners here at AltoVita, who really understand the requirements of the global mobility sector. It makes a huge difference to be able to trust and collaborate with professional, reliable, and accommodating partners. 

Since the start of the pandemic, what has been the most common client enquiry?

Tara Says:  It’s a close call between larger units (who doesn’t want more space when having to work from home, especially when travelling with the other half or the whole family?) and pet-friendly accommodation. With more countries now allowing staycations and slowly reopening their borders, larger units and pet-friendly properties are getting booked up extremely quickly so I would have to say that fast decisions are currently the key to avoid missing out on the ideal temp housing!

We noticed you started dabbling with drawing during your free time. Are you still doing this and what inspired your creative outlet?

Tara Says: Yes, I’ve actually progressed more into abstract painting now but I’ve always been fairly creative. I’m definitely the person annotating notes, doodling, or scribbling in the margin in a class, meeting, or while I’m on the phone – it helps me to focus on what’s actually being said. Knitting has been another interest (which is super popular as a hobby in Norway which I picked up whilst there) and I absolutely love the fact that I get a beautiful jumper, or other garment, as a result. I like trying new creative things, which I get from my dad who is always making something – most recently beautiful wood and resin coffee tables! 

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